Laine Hardy

Master of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, University of Michigan Taubman College, Ann Arbor, MI

Laine is a multi-disciplinary designer with professional work ranging from architecture and graphic design to lighting installations and digital media experiences. Her empathetic approach to design focuses on users to reveal opportunities where design can improve people’s lives and provide a delightful experience across a variety of mediums. She has a deep interest in human experience and draws on both the unique, individual aspects of each project and user, as well as the common cultural frameworks that shape how we perceive our environment.

Laine has worked on the design of commercial and residential projects across the United States. Her experience with highly detailed architectural projects, design-build installations, pottery, and metalwork give her a keen eye for the details of each project and how those details work together to create rich experiences for people in visual, digital, and spatial realms.

Outside of the office, you'll find Laine outdoors, biking around town, hiking with her husband and two daughters, and keeping cool at Deep Eddy Pool.